Saturday, August 11, 2012

Jump Starting My Blog Again

It has been over a year since I made my last blog entry. I stopped because... well, blogging is a lot of work, and I just got tired of it eventually. But my dear brother Rob started blogging recently (See, for example, his recent timely comments here on why Paul Ryan, the republican VP candidate is completely insane.) And Rob has been encouraging me to get with the program and start writing as well.

I hereby promise a new and exciting jump start to this blog... tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Great! Looking forward to it! John Preskill has also started blogging at!

Anonymous said...

So glad to see you back up on your blog again!

was having 'steve withdrawal symptoms' and thought I'd read the write up on the spider yet again (its been six months since the last read). Made my day.
Glad too that you did not go splat
